  • Bio Fertiliser
  • Green & Efficient 
  • Odourless 
  • Naturally Organic 
  • Eco Friendly 
  • Sustainability

Welcome to TropicSpring, and let us explore more ways to a Greener Living and Naturally Organic ways of fish protein bio-fertiliser farming!!

Chemical fertilisers first appeared in the 1840s, and it has been widely used for nearly a hundred years since the 20th century. It was not until the negative effects of chemical fertilizer caused great harm to nature, soil and human beings that we began to reflect and take measures to remedy it. Chemical fertilisers failed to address issues of wide concern like "organic, environment-friendly and sustainability" which resulted in reverse direction of its usage in crops production in modern days.

Since 1980s, people have paid great attention to bio-fertilizer used for crops and its effects on environment, the reason is that this kind of products can effectively solve some existing problems, especially when come to pollution-free and eliminating environmental pollution. In recent years, new development direction in fertilizer has sprung up in many countries. Among them includes compound fertilizers, organic matter, microbes and nutrients,  humic acid fertilizer, seaweed fertilizer, fish protein fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer. Functional fertilizers like disease-resistant fertilizers, acid and alkali-regulating fertilizers, soil hardening-regulating, medium and trace elements supplementing, and concern on usage friendly type of fertilizers. 

With the continuous improvement of living standards, people are no longer satisfied with having enough to eat, but are pursuing nutritious and healthy diets. Thus, push up demand for production of high-end agricultural products such as organic, green and pesticides free crops. One key element involved in order to produce healthier crops is usage of fertilisers. If we weight "organic, environment-friendly and sustainability" as high priority when choosing fertiliser types then fish protein fertilizer standout and ahead from many other fertilisers! Fish protein fertilizer is rich in organic matter, polypeptide and biological polysaccharideunsaturated fats and crop promotion factors produced by decomposition, pure organic extraction, with no other harmful substance residue.

What is fish protein fertilizer? 

Fish protein fertilizer is produced by mainly using deep-sea fish, shrimp, crabs and seaweeds as the main raw material combined with new biological strains EM enzyme and process via advanced low-temperature hydrolysis technology. With biological compound microbial fermentation technology, it retains all the nutrients in the raw materials, such as active amino acids, protein, deep sea fish peptides, active calcium, magnesium and chitosan, and chelates trace elements such as iron, manganese, zinc and boron. The advantages of low-temperature hydrolysis are mild reaction conditions, less nutrients loss, keep intactness of amino acids, high content of polypeptides, small peptides and oligopeptides, unsaturated fats and crop promotion factors produced by decomposition, pure organic extraction, with no other harmful substance residue.

Efficacy of fish protein fertilizer


Fish protein fertiliser consists of small molecule polypeptides, amino acids, taurine, vitamins and other active substances, and abundant medium and trace elements such as calcium and magnesium are all turned into easily absorbable nutrients by crops.


When applied to crops, its show many characteristic likes drought resistance, stress resistance, nutrition supplementation, crops quality improvement, high-efficiency cold resistance, significantly improved crop frost resistance, and promoted crops to absorb nutrients at low temperature.


Promote aired soil structure, promote root growth, promote flower bud differentiation, prevent fruit falling and cracking, promote fruit expansion, and obviously improve fruit taste and quality.

Benefit of fish protein fertilizer

i)Fertilise soil and improve soil structure. 

After the fish protein is applied to the soil, the beneficial microorganisms in the soil multiply rapidly with organic substances such as fish protein as the carrier, and the activity can be increased by more than ten times, thus optimizing the soil structure and significantly improving the ability of conserving fertilizer and water. If the fish protein fertiliser is used continuously for one to several years, large number of earthworms will be attracted to the area, which makes the soil loose and fertile, and for those form of nutrient elements in the soil that are difficult to absorb by plants (slow-acting state) is transformed into activated form (quick-acting state), thus increasing the overall soil fertility and will significantly improves the soil ecology and adjusts the soil pH value.

ii) Increase crops yield and improve quality. 

Fish protein fertiliser can promote the balanced absorption of various nutrient elements needed by crops, prevent various nutritional deficiencies, make the leaves turn into darker green and thicker stems, promote the photosynthesis of crops, and promote the early flowering and fruit setting of crops. Moreover, with promote fuller grow of stamens, the fruit setting rate is greatly improved, the fruit later could expand quickly and enhance fruits colour, and the accumulation of nutrients such as protein, sugar level and vitamins are obviously increased accordingly.

iii) Enhance the physiological function and stress resistance of crops. 

Fish protein fertilizer contains a large amount of fish protein amino acids and various natural active substances, which can effectively maintain the stability of plant cells, promote the thickening of plant leaves and increase density of surface cells, enhance the physiological functions of plants, enhance the resistance to waterlogging at roots area, and prevent germs and pests from invading. The freezing point of plant body fluid will also be lowered (from 0 to below 0), which will improve the ability of cold protection and frost resistance for plants at temperate countries.

iv) High nutrient utilization rate. 

The absorption and utilization rate of common nutrient by crops is mostly 17%-20%, while the absorption and utilization rate of fish protein nutrient by crops is as high as 95%, and therefore the absorption and utilization rate of crops is more than 4.5 times as compared to other common fertilizers. Thus, less wastage and less unwanted pollution due to over fertilising caused changes in soil structure.

v) Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. 

Fish protein fertilizer can activate the soil, improve the soil's ability of conserving fertilizer and water, prevent the loss of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and greatly improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer by plants (which can be increased by more than 10%-30%), resulted that the amount of chemical fertilizer usage can be appropriately reduced without affecting the desired crop yield.

vi) Low in carbon production, garbage pollution and zero chemical residue

When choosing bio-fertiliser like fish protein fertiliser, one will indirectly reduce overall energy consumption caused by chemical fertilizer production and chemical residue left in soils after application. Fish protein fertiliser if view from holistically angle is turning waste into wealth by recycle parts of fish and shrimps left from fish processing plants, hence in the process reduced domestic garbage pollution.

For more information,please feel free to contact our friendly team. 

Tel +60 11 5780 5778

Email: tropicspringflourish@gmail.com

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