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FLOURISH Fish & Kelp Bio-Fertiliser

RM 30.00
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TropicSpring – FLOURISH Fish & Kelp Bio-Fertiliser

TropicSpring natural based liquid bio-fertilisers form the perfect way to supply abundance of enzyme-enriched nutrients which includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, amino acids plus other valuable trace minerals to plants and soil.

TropicSpring’s FLOURISH fish & kelp liquid bio-fertiliser is manufactured from marine fish and processed by using low temperature hydrolysis process method with selected natural probiotics. (Effective Microorganisms) During the manufacturing process, additional selected organic seaweed was added to increase content of nutrients which promote plant’s flower retention and fruit set hence increase crop yield. It is then become a more complex liquid bio-fertiliser and contains a good source of nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements and amino acids required for healthy plant growth.

TropicSpring’s FLOURISH fish & kelp liquid bio-fertiliser with its unique microorganisms’ enzymes help assist soil microbes to reproduce, process nutrients and decomposition many natural substances and enhance nutrient cycling, leaving the soil aerated and with improved levels of organic matter and moisture holding capacity in the soil thus increases soil fertility and overall improve soil structure. Microorganisms also break down nutrients to make them easier to absorb by plant roots and plant roots grow faster and stronger in soil that has high levels of microbial life. Plants that receive a balance of nutrients have better resistance against diseases and pests.


  • Contains more nutrients & organic trace minerals
  • Odourless due to its unique enzymatic cold production process
  • Suitable for all soils, agriculture, horticulture and for all stage of plant growth
  • Totally Eco-friendly, non-toxic and safe for use in sensitive water catchment areas
  • Longer shelf life and improve taste for fruit & vegetables and increase crop yield
  • Enrich beneficial microorganisms in soil to promote root growth & soil fertility
  • Stimulates plant growth and improves plant resistance to pests & diseases
  • Simple to apply & easy to handle using spray equipment & fertigation
  • Promote seed germination and reduces transplant shock
  • Lead to improve flower retention and fruit set hence increase crop yield
  • Uniquely helps to increase nutrient uptake, thus increase effectiveness of fertilizer
  • Strengthens and boosts plants tolerance to heat, drought and frost


Foliar spray: Diluted by 1 : 800 - 1000, apply at 10 -15 days intervals.  

Root irrigation: Diluted by 1 : 300 500, apply at 10 -15 days intervals. 

Foliar application is no doubt the most efficient and effective method of administering liquid bio-fertiliser to plants and soil. Spray as a fine mist onto top and back of leaves and the plants will immediately absorb the fertilizer and begin to benefit from it the next day

 Supplement essential nutrients and trace elements to plants, improve and balance plants 

nutritional condition, increase crops quality and yield, restrain bacilli to promote crops shelve life, enhance plants resistance to diseases and pests.


  • Stir well before use. Contents maybe under pressure, use caution when opening.
  • Prepare enough for day application only. Do not store diluted fertilizer.
  • Apply in the morning or evening, avoid spraying under hot sun and heat of the day. 
  • Store in original container only, in cool and dry place and kept away from children and pets.


Validity: Two years


Packing: 500ml, 1L, 5L

Safety Directions: 

Not for human consumption. Keep in cool & dry place and kept away from children. 

Wash hands after use.

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